not tracked not covered covered
package sus


// Creates and configures a store that stores entities by converting them to and from json []byte data and keeps them in the local file system.
func NewJsonFileStore(storeDir string, idf IdFactory, vf VersionFactory) (Store, error) {
        return NewFileStore(storeDir, `json`, jsonMarshaler, jsonUnmarshaler, idf, vf)

// Creates and configures a store that stores entities by converting them to and from []byte and keeps them in the local file system.
func NewFileStore(storeDir string, fileExt string, m Marshaler, un Unmarshaler, idf IdFactory, vf VersionFactory) (Store, error) {
        err := os.MkdirAll(storeDir, os.ModeDir)

        if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        getFileName := func(id string) string {
                return storeDir + `/` + id + `.` + fileExt

        get := func(id string) ([]byte, error) {
                fn := getFileName(id)
                if _, err := os.Stat(fn); err != nil {
                        if os.IsNotExist(err) {
                                err = localEntityDoesNotExistError{id}
                        return nil, err
                return ioutil.ReadFile(fn)

        put := func(id string, d []byte) error {
                return ioutil.WriteFile(getFileName(id), d, os.ModeAppend)

        del := func(id string) error {
                return os.Remove(getFileName(id))

        isNonExtantError := func(err error) bool {
                _, ok := err.(localEntityDoesNotExistError)
                return ok

        return NewMutexByteStore(get, put, del, m, un, idf, vf, isNonExtantError), nil