not tracked not covered covered
package gus


// Creates and configures a store that stores entities in Google AppEngines memcache and datastore.
// is used for strongly consistent automatic caching.
func NewGaeStore(kind string, ctx context.Context, idf sus.IdFactory, vf sus.VersionFactory) sus.Store {
        getKey := func(ctx context.Context, id string) *datastore.Key {
                return datastore.NewKey(ctx, kind, id, 0, nil)

        getMulti := func(ids []string) (vs []sus.Version, err error) {
                count := len(ids)
                vs = make([]sus.Version, count, count)
                ks := make([]*datastore.Key, count, count)
                for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
                        vs[i] = vf()
                        ks[i] = getKey(ctx, ids[i])
                err = nds.GetMulti(ctx, ks, vs)

        putMulti := func(ids []string, vs []sus.Version) (err error) {
                count := len(ids)
                ks := make([]*datastore.Key, count, count)
                for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
                        ks[i] = getKey(ctx, ids[i])
                _, err = nds.PutMulti(ctx, ks, vs)

        delMulti := func(ids []string) error {
                count := len(ids)
                ks := make([]*datastore.Key, count, count)
                for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
                        ks[i] = getKey(ctx, ids[i])
                return nds.DeleteMulti(ctx, ks)

        isNonExtantError := func(err error) bool {
                return err.Error() == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity.Error()

        rit := func(tran sus.Transaction) error {
                return nds.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context)error{
                        return tran()
                }, &datastore.TransactionOptions{XG:true})

        return sus.NewStore(getMulti, putMulti, delMulti, idf, vf, isNonExtantError,rit)